Ncreate_jsdata | |
Ncreate_libdoc_data | |
Ncreate_testdoc_data | |
Nride | |
Nride_postinstall | |
▼Nrobotide | |
►Naction | |
►Naction | |
C_MenuSeparator | |
C_Registrable | |
CAction | Acts based on user actions if action is enabled |
►Nactioninfo | |
C_InsertionPoint | |
CActionInfo | Used to create menu entries, keyboard shortcuts and/or toolbar buttons |
CMenuInfo | Base class for ActionInfo and SeparatorInfo |
CSeparatorInfo | Used to create separators to menus |
►Nshortcut | |
CShortcut | |
►Napplication | |
►Napplication | |
CUnthemableWidgetError | |
Ndebugconsole | |
►Neditorprovider | |
C_EditorList | |
CEditorProvider | |
►Npluginconnector | |
C_PluginConnector | |
CBrokenPlugin | |
CPluginConnector | |
►Npluginloader | |
CPluginLoader | |
►Nreleasenotes | |
CReleaseNotes | Shows release notes of the current version |
►Nupdatenotifier | |
CLocalHtmlWindow | |
CUpdateDialog | |
CUpdateNotifierController | |
►Ncontext | |
Ncoreplugins | |
►Nlogger | |
CLogger | |
CParsingErrorDialog | |
►Ncontrib | |
►Ntestrunner | |
►NArgsParser | |
CArgsParser | |
►NCommand | |
CCommand | |
►NCommandArgs | |
CCommandArgs | |
►NFileWriter | |
CFileWriter | |
►NProcess | |
CProcess | |
CStreamReaderThread | |
►Nrunprofiles | |
CBaseProfile | Base class for all test runner profiles |
CCustomScriptProfile | A runner profile which uses script given by the use |
CPybotProfile | A runner profile which uses robot |
►NSettingsParser | |
CSettingsParser | |
►Ntestrunner | |
CRideListenerHandler | |
CRideListenerServer | Implements a simple line-buffered socket serve |
CTestRunner | |
►NTestRunnerAgent | |
CDecodeError | This exception is raised when there is a problem decoding an object, such as a security violation |
CEncodeError | This exception is raised when an unencodable object is passed to the dump() method or function |
CRobotDebugger | |
CRobotKillerHandler | |
CRobotKillerServer | |
CStreamError | Base class for EncodeError and DecodeError |
CStreamHandler | This class provides a common streaming approach for the purpose of reliably sending data over a socket interface |
CTestRunnerAgent | Pass all listener events to a remote listener |
►Ntestrunnerplugin | |
COutputStyledTextCtrl | |
COutputStylizer | |
CProgressBar | A progress bar for the test runner plugin |
CTestRunnerPlugin | A plugin for running tests from within RIDE |
Nusages | |
►Ncontroller | |
Narguments | |
►Nbasecontroller | |
C_BaseController | |
CControllerWithParent | |
CWithNamespace | |
CWithUndoRedoStacks | |
►Ncellinfo | |
C_TooltipMessage | |
CCellContent | |
CCellInfo | |
CCellPosition | |
CCellType | |
CContentType | |
►Nctrlcommands | |
C_AddDataFile | |
C_Command | |
C_ItemCommand | |
C_ReversibleCommand | |
C_RowChangingCommand | |
C_StepsChangingCommand | |
CAddKeyword | |
CAddLibrary | |
CAddResource | |
CAddRow | |
CAddTestCase | |
CAddTestCaseFile | |
CAddTestDataDirectory | |
CAddVariable | |
CAddVariablesFileImport | |
CChangeCellValue | |
CChangeTag | |
CClearSetting | |
CCommentRow | |
CCompositeCommand | |
CCopyMacroAs | |
CCreateNewDirectoryProject | |
CCreateNewFileProject | |
CCreateNewResource | |
CDeleteCell | |
CDeleteFile | |
CDeleteFolder | |
CDeleteFolderAndImports | |
CDeleteItem | |
CDeleteResourceAndImports | |
CDeleteRow | |
CDeleteTag | |
CExclude | |
CExtractKeyword | |
CFindOccurrences | |
CFindVariableOccurrences | |
CInclude | |
CInsertCell | |
CMoveDown | |
CMoveRowsDown | |
CMoveRowsUp | |
CMoveTo | |
CMoveUp | |
CNonExistingStep | |
CNullObserver | |
COccurrence | |
COpenContainingFolder | |
CPurify | |
CRecreateMacro | |
CRedo | |
CRemoveMacro | |
CRemoveReadOnly | |
CRemoveVariable | |
CRenameFile | |
CRenameKeywordOccurrences | |
CRenameResourceFile | |
CRenameTest | |
CRestoreKeywordOrder | |
CRestoreTestOrder | |
CRestoreVariableOrder | |
CSaveAll | |
CSaveFile | |
CSetDataFile | |
CSetFileFormat | |
CSetFileFormatRecuresively | |
CSetValues | |
CSortKeywords | |
CSortTests | |
CSortVariables | |
CStepsChangingCompositeCommand | |
CUncommentRow | |
CUndo | |
CUpdateDocumentation | |
CUpdateVariable | |
CUpdateVariableName | |
►Ndataloader | |
C_DataLoader | |
C_DataLoaderThread | |
C_InitFileLoader | |
C_ResourceLoader | |
CDataLoader | |
CExcludedDirectory | |
CTestDataDirectoryWithExcludes | |
►Nfilecontrollers | |
C_DataController | |
C_FileSystemElement | |
CDirtyRobotDataException | Raised when data is dirty and you are trying to do an operation that requires undirty data |
CExcludedDirectoryController | |
CResourceFileController | |
CResourceFileControllerFactory | |
CTestCaseFileController | |
CTestDataDirectoryController | |
►Nmacrocontrollers | |
C_WithStepsController | |
CItemNameController | |
CKeywordNameController | |
CTestCaseController | |
CTestCaseNameController | |
CUserKeywordController | |
►Nproject | |
CBackup | |
CProject | |
CSerializer | |
Nrobotdata | |
►Nsettingcontrollers | |
C_ImportController | |
C_SettingController | |
CArgumentsController | |
CDefaultTagsController | |
CDocumentationController | |
CFixtureController | |
CForceTagsController | |
CLibraryImportController | |
CMetadataController | |
CResourceImportController | |
CReturnValueController | |
CTagsController | |
CTemplateController | |
CTimeoutController | |
CVariableController | |
CVariablesImportController | |
►Nstepcontrollers | |
CForLoopStepController | |
CIntendedStepController | |
CStepController | |
►Ntablecontrollers | |
C_DictVarValidator | |
C_ListVarValidator | |
C_MacroTable | |
C_NameValidation | |
C_ScalarVarValidator | |
C_TableController | |
C_WithListOperations | |
CImportSettingsController | |
CKeywordTableController | |
CMacroNameValidation | |
CMetadataListController | |
CTestCaseTableController | |
CVariableNameValidation | |
CVariableTableController | |
►Ntags | |
CDefaultTag | |
CForcedTag | |
CTag | |
►Ntestexecutionresults | |
CTestExecutionResults | |
►Nui | |
►Ntreecontroller | |
C_History | |
CTestSelectionController | |
CTreeController | |
►Nvalidators | |
CBaseNameValidator | |
►Neditor | |
►Ncellrenderer | |
CCellRenderer | GridCellAutoWrapStringRenderer() |
►Nclipboard | |
C_ClipboardHandler | |
C_GridClipboard | Implements a "smart" clipboard |
C_WindowsClipboardHandler | |
►Ncontentassist | |
C_ContentAssistTextCtrlBase | |
CContentAssistFileButton | |
CContentAssistList | |
CContentAssistPopup | |
CContentAssistTextCtrl | |
CContentAssistTextEditor | |
CExpandingContentAssistTextCtrl | |
CSuggestions | |
►Ncustomsourceeditor | |
CCodeEditorPanel | Panel for the 'Code Editor' ta |
CPythonSTC | |
CSourceCodeEditor | |
Ndialoghelps | |
►Neditorcreator | |
CEditorCreator | |
►Neditordialogs | |
C_Dialog | |
C_FixtureDialog | |
C_SettingDialog | |
CArgumentsDialog | |
CCopyUserKeywordDialog | |
CDefaultTagsDialog | |
CDictionaryVariableDialog | |
CDocumentationDialog | |
CForceTagsDialog | |
CLibraryDialog | |
CListVariableDialog | |
CMetadataDialog | |
CResourceDialog | |
CReturnValueDialog | |
CScalarVariableDialog | |
CSetupDialog | |
CSuiteSetupDialog | |
CSuiteTeardownDialog | |
CTagsDialog | |
CTeardownDialog | |
CTemplateDialog | |
CTestCaseNameDialog | |
CTestSetupDialog | |
CTestTeardownDialog | |
CTestTemplateDialog | |
CTestTimeoutDialog | |
CTimeoutDialog | |
CUserKeywordNameDialog | |
CVariablesDialog | |
►Neditors | |
C_FileEditor | |
C_RobotTableEditor | |
CEditorPanel | Base class for all editor panels |
CFindUsagesHeader | |
CInitFileEditor | |
CResourceFileEditor | |
CSettings | |
CTestCaseFileEditor | |
CWelcomePage | |
►Nfieldeditors | |
C_EditorGrid | |
CArgumentEditor | |
CContentAssistEditor | |
CFileNameEditor | |
CListValueEditor | |
CMultiLineEditor | |
CValueEditor | |
CVariableNameEditor | |
►Nflowsizer | |
CHorizontalFlowSizer | A sizer which lays out component left to right top to bottom |
►Nformatters | |
CListToStringFormatter | |
►Ngridbase | |
C_Cell | |
C_GridSelection | |
C_GridState | |
CGridEditor | |
►Ngridcolorizer | |
CColorizationSettings | |
CColorizer | |
►Nkweditor | |
CChooseUsageSearchStringDialog | |
CContentAssistCellEditor | |
CKeywordEditor | |
►Nlisteditor | |
CAutoWidthColumnList | |
CListEditor | |
CListEditorBase | |
►Nmacroeditors | |
CTestCaseEditor | |
CUserKeywordEditor | |
►Npopupwindow | |
C_PopupWindowBase | |
CHtmlPopupWindow | |
CMacRidePopupWindow | |
CRidePopupWindow | |
►Nsettingeditors | |
C_AbstractListEditor | |
CDocumentationEditor | |
CImportSettingListEditor | |
CMetadataListEditor | |
CSettingEditor | |
CSettingValueDisplay | |
CTagsEditor | |
CVariablesListEditor | |
►Ntags | |
C_TagBoxProperties | |
CAddTagBoxProperties | |
CDefaultTagBoxProperties | |
CForcedTagBoxProperties | |
CTagBox | |
CTagBoxProperties | |
CTagsDisplay | |
►Ntexteditor | |
CDataFileWrapper | |
CDataValidationHandler | |
CDummyController | |
CFromStringIOPopulator | |
CRobotDataEditor | |
CRobotStylizer | |
CSourceEditor | |
CTextEditorPlugin | |
►Ntooltips | |
CGridToolTips | |
C_EditorTab | |
CEditorPlugin | The default editor plugin |
►Nlib | |
►Nrobot | |
N__main__ | |
►Napi | |
Ndeco | |
Nlogger | |
►Nconf | |
►Ngatherfailed | |
CGatherFailedSuites | |
CGatherFailedTests | |
►Nsettings | |
C_BaseSettings | |
CRebotSettings | |
CRobotSettings | |
►Nerrors | |
CContinueForLoop | Used by 'Continue For Loop' keyword |
CDataError | Used when variable does not exist |
CExecutionFailed | Used for communicating failures in test execution |
CExecutionFailures | |
CExecutionPassed | Base class for all exceptions communicating that execution passed |
CExecutionStatus | |
CExitForLoop | Used by 'Return From Keyword' keyword |
CFrameworkError | Can be used when the core framework goes to unexpected state |
CHandlerExecutionFailed | |
CInformation | Used by argument parser with –help or –version |
CKeywordError | Used when a test or keyword timeout occurs |
CPassExecution | Used by 'Pass Execution' keyword |
CRemoteError | Used by Remote library to report remote errors |
CReturnFromKeyword | |
CRobotError | Base class for Robot Framework errors |
CTimeoutError | |
CUserKeywordExecutionFailed | |
CVariableError | Used when no keyword is found or there is more than one match |
►Nhtmldata | |
►Nhtmlfilewriter | |
C_InliningWriter | |
C_Writer | |
CCssFileWriter | |
CGeneratorWriter | |
CHtmlFileWriter | |
CJsFileWriter | |
CLineWriter | |
CModelWriter | |
►Njartemplate | |
CHtmlTemplate | |
►Njsonwriter | |
C_Dumper | |
CDictDumper | |
CIntegerDumper | |
CJsonDumper | |
CJsonWriter | |
CMappingDumper | |
CNoneDumper | |
CStringDumper | |
CTupleListDumper | |
►Nnormaltemplate | |
CHtmlTemplate | |
Ntemplate | |
►Njarrunner | |
CJarRunner | Used for Java-Jython interop when RF is executed from .jar file |
►Nlibdoc | |
CLibDoc | |
►Nlibdocpkg | |
Nbuilder | |
►Nconsoleviewer | |
CConsoleViewer | |
CKeywordMatcher | |
►Nhtmlwriter | |
CDocFormatter | |
CDocToHtml | |
CJsonConverter | |
CLibdocHtmlWriter | |
CLibdocModelWriter | |
►Njava9builder | |
CJavaDocBuilder | |
►Njavabuilder | |
CJavaDocBuilder | |
►Nmodel | |
CKeywordDoc | |
CLibraryDoc | |
►Noutput | |
CLibdocOutput | |
►Nrobotbuilder | |
CKeywordDocBuilder | |
CLibraryDocBuilder | |
CResourceDocBuilder | |
►Nspecbuilder | |
CSpecDocBuilder | |
Nwriter | |
►Nxmlwriter | |
CLibdocXmlWriter | |
►Nlibraries | |
►NBuiltIn | |
C_BuiltInBase | |
C_Control | |
C_Converter | |
C_Misc | |
C_RunKeyword | |
C_Variables | |
C_Verify | |
CBuiltIn | An always available standard library with often needed keywords |
CRobotNotRunningError | Used when something cannot be done because Robot is not running |
►NCollections | |
C_Dictionary | |
C_List | |
CCollections | A test library providing keywords for handling lists and dictionaries |
CNotSet | |
►NDateTime | |
CDate | |
CTime | |
NDialogs | |
►Ndialogs_ipy | |
C_WpfDialog | |
CInputDialog | |
CMessageDialog | |
CMultipleSelectionDialog | |
CPassFailDialog | |
CSelectionDialog | |
►Ndialogs_jy | |
C_SwingDialog | |
CInputDialog | |
CMessageDialog | |
CMultipleSelectionDialog | |
CPassFailDialog | |
CSelectionDialog | |
CWindowFocusListener | |
CWrappedOptionPane | |
►Ndialogs_py | |
C_TkDialog | |
CInputDialog | |
CMessageDialog | |
CMultipleSelectionDialog | |
CPassFailDialog | |
CSelectionDialog | |
NEaster | |
►NOperatingSystem | |
C_Process | |
COperatingSystem | A test library providing keywords for OS related tasks |
►NProcess | |
CExecutionResult | |
CProcess | Robot Framework test library for running processes |
CProcessConfiguration | |
►NRemote | |
CArgumentCoercer | |
CExpatError | |
CRemote | |
CRemoteResult | |
CTimeoutHTTPSTransport | |
CTimeoutHTTPTransport | |
CXmlRpcRemoteClient | |
►NReserved | |
CReserved | |
►NScreenshot | |
CScreenshot | Test library for taking screenshots on the machine where tests are run |
CScreenshotTaker | |
►NString | |
CString | A test library for string manipulation and verification |
►NTelnet | |
CNoMatchError | |
CTelnet | A test library providing communication over Telnet connections |
CTelnetConnection | |
CTerminalEmulator | |
►NXML | |
CElementComparator | |
CElementFinder | |
CLocation | |
CNameSpaceStripper | |
CXML | Robot Framework test library for verifying and modifying XML documents |
►Nmodel | |
►Nconfigurer | |
CSuiteConfigurer | |
►Ncriticality | |
CCriticality | |
►Nfilter | |
CEmptySuiteRemover | |
CFilter | |
►Nimports | |
CImport | |
CImports | |
►Nitemlist | |
CItemList | |
►Nkeyword | |
CKeyword | Base model for a single keyword |
CKeywords | A list-like object representing keywords in a suite, a test or a keyword |
►Nmessage | |
CMessage | A message created during the test execution |
CMessages | |
►Nmetadata | |
CMetadata | |
►Nmodelobject | |
CModelObject | |
►Nmodifier | |
CModelModifier | |
►Nnamepatterns | |
C_NamePatterns | |
CSuiteNamePatterns | |
CTestNamePatterns | |
►Nstatistics | |
CStatistics | Container for total, suite and tag statistics |
CStatisticsBuilder | |
►Nstats | |
CCombinedTagStat | |
CCriticalTagStat | |
CStat | Generic statistic object used for storing all the statistic values |
CSuiteStat | Stores statistics values for a single suite |
CTagStat | Stores statistic values for a single tag |
CTotalStat | Stores statistic values for a test run |
►Nsuitestatistics | |
CSuiteStatistics | Container for suite statistics |
CSuiteStatisticsBuilder | |
►Ntags | |
CAndTagPattern | |
CNotTagPattern | |
COrTagPattern | |
CSingleTagPattern | |
CTagPatterns | |
CTags | |
►Ntagsetter | |
CTagSetter | |
►Ntagstatistics | |
CTagStatDoc | |
CTagStatInfo | |
CTagStatistics | Container for tag statistics |
CTagStatisticsBuilder | |
CTagStatLink | |
►Ntestcase | |
CTestCase | Base model for a single test case |
CTestCases | |
►Ntestsuite | |
CTestSuite | Base model for single suite |
CTestSuites | |
►Ntotalstatistics | |
CTotalStatistics | Container for total statistics |
CTotalStatisticsBuilder | |
►Nvisitor | |
CSuiteVisitor | Interface to ease traversing through a test suite structure |
►Noutput | |
►Nconsole | |
►Ndotted | |
CDottedOutput | |
CStatusReporter | |
►Nhighlighting | |
CAnsiHighlighter | |
CDosHighlighter | |
CHighlightingStream | |
CNoHighlighting | |
►Nquiet | |
CNoOutput | |
CQuietOutput | |
►Nverbose | |
CKeywordMarker | |
CVerboseOutput | |
CVerboseWriter | |
►Ndebugfile | |
C_DebugFileWriter | |
►Nfilelogger | |
CFileLogger | |
Nlibrarylogger | |
►Nlistenerarguments | |
C_ListenerArgumentsFromItem | |
CEndKeywordArguments | |
CEndSuiteArguments | |
CEndTestArguments | |
CListenerArguments | |
CMessageArguments | |
CStartKeywordArguments | |
CStartSuiteArguments | |
CStartTestArguments | |
►Nlistenermethods | |
CLibraryListenerMethods | |
CListenerMethod | |
CListenerMethods | |
►Nlisteners | |
CLibraryListeners | |
CListenerProxy | |
CListeners | |
►Nlogger | |
CLogger | A global logger proxy to delegating messages to registered loggers |
CLoggerProxy | |
►Nloggerhelper | |
CAbstractLogger | |
CAbstractLoggerProxy | |
CIsLogged | |
CMessage | |
►Noutput | |
COutput | |
►Npyloggingconf | |
CRobotHandler | |
►Nstdoutlogsplitter | |
CStdoutLogSplitter | Splits messages logged through stdout (or stderr) into Message objects |
►Nxmllogger | |
CXmlLogger | |
►Nparsing | |
►Ncomments | |
CComment | |
CCommentCache | |
CComments | |
►Ndatarow | |
CDataRow | |
►Nhtmlreader | |
CHtmlReader | |
►Nmodel | |
C_SettingTable | |
C_Table | |
C_TestData | |
C_WithSettings | |
C_WithSteps | |
CForLoop | The parsed representation of a for-loop |
CInitFileSettingTable | |
CKeywordTable | |
COldStyleSettingAndVariableTableHeaderMatcher | |
COldStyleTestAndKeywordTableHeaderMatcher | |
CResourceFile | The parsed resource file object |
CResourceFileSettingTable | |
CStep | |
CTestCase | |
CTestCaseFile | The parsed test case file object |
CTestCaseFileSettingTable | |
CTestCaseTable | |
CTestDataDirectory | The parsed test data directory object |
CUserKeyword | |
CVariable | |
CVariableTable | |
►Npopulators | |
CFromDirectoryPopulator | |
CFromFilePopulator | |
CNoTestsFound | |
Nrestreader | |
►Nrestsupport | |
CCaptureRobotData | |
CRobotDataStorage | |
►Nrobotreader | |
CRobotReader | |
►Nsettings | |
C_DataList | |
C_Import | |
CArguments | |
CDocumentation | |
CFixture | |
CImportList | |
CLibrary | |
CMetadata | |
CMetadataList | |
CResource | |
CReturn | |
CSetting | |
CStringValueJoiner | |
CTags | |
CTemplate | |
CTimeout | |
CVariables | |
►Ntablepopulators | |
C_PropertyPopulator | |
C_StepContainingTablePopulator | |
C_TablePopulator | |
C_TestCaseUserKeywordPopulator | |
CDocumentationPopulator | |
CForLoopPopulator | |
CKeywordTablePopulator | |
CMetadataPopulator | |
CNullPopulator | |
CPopulator | Explicit interface for all populators |
CSettingPopulator | |
CSettingTablePopulator | |
CStepPopulator | |
CTestCasePopulator | |
CTestTablePopulator | |
CUserKeywordPopulator | |
CVariablePopulator | |
CVariableTablePopulator | |
►Ntsvreader | |
CTsvReader | |
Ntxtreader | |
Npythonpathsetter | |
►Nrebot | |
CRebot | |
►Nreporting | |
►Njsbuildingcontext | |
CJsBuildingContext | |
►Njsexecutionresult | |
C_KeywordRemover | |
CJsExecutionResult | |
►Njsmodelbuilders | |
C_Builder | |
CErrorMessageBuilder | |
CErrorsBuilder | |
CJsModelBuilder | |
CKeywordBuilder | |
CMessageBuilder | |
CStatisticsBuilder | |
CSuiteBuilder | |
CTestBuilder | |
►Njswriter | |
CJsResultWriter | |
CSplitLogWriter | |
CSuiteWriter | |
►Nlogreportwriters | |
C_LogReportWriter | |
CLogWriter | |
CReportWriter | |
CRobotModelWriter | |
►Noutputwriter | |
COutputWriter | |
►Nresultwriter | |
CResults | |
CResultWriter | A class to create log, report, output XML and xUnit files |
►Nstringcache | |
CStringCache | |
CStringIndex | |
►Nxunitwriter | |
CXUnitFileWriter | Provides an xUnit-compatible result file |
CXUnitWriter | |
►Nresult | |
►Nconfigurer | |
CSuiteConfigurer | Result suite configured |
►Nexecutionerrors | |
CExecutionErrors | Represents errors occurred during the execution of tests |
►Nexecutionresult | |
CCombinedResult | Combined results of multiple test executions |
CResult | Test execution results |
►Nflattenkeywordmatcher | |
CFlattenByNameMatcher | |
CFlattenByTagMatcher | |
CFlattenByTypeMatcher | |
►Nkeywordremover | |
C_KeywordRemover | |
CAllKeywordsRemover | |
CByNameKeywordRemover | |
CByTagKeywordRemover | |
CForLoopItemsRemover | |
CPassedKeywordRemover | |
CRemovalMessage | |
CWaitUntilKeywordSucceedsRemover | |
CWarningAndErrorFinder | |
►Nmerger | |
CMerger | |
►Nmessagefilter | |
CMessageFilter | |
►Nmodel | |
CKeyword | Represents results of a single keyword |
CMessage | Represents a single log message |
CTestCase | Represents results of a single test case |
CTestSuite | Represents results of a single test suite |
►Nresultbuilder | |
CExecutionResultBuilder | Builds :class:~.executionresult.Result objects based on output files |
CRemoveKeywords | |
►Nsuiteteardownfailed | |
CSuiteTeardownFailed | |
CSuiteTeardownFailureHandler | |
►Nvisitor | |
CResultVisitor | Abstract class to conveniently travel :class:~robot.result.executionresult.Result objects |
►Nxmlelementhandlers | |
C_Handler | |
C_StatusHandler | |
CArgumentHandler | |
CArgumentsHandler | |
CAssignHandler | |
CAssignVarHandler | |
CDocHandler | |
CErrorsHandler | |
CKeywordHandler | |
CKeywordStatusHandler | |
CMessageHandler | |
CMetadataHandler | |
CMetadataItemHandler | |
CRobotHandler | |
CRootHandler | |
CRootSuiteHandler | |
CStatisticsHandler | |
CSuiteHandler | |
CSuiteStatusHandler | |
CTagHandler | |
CTagsHandler | |
CTestCaseHandler | |
CTestStatusHandler | |
CTimeoutHandler | |
CXmlElementHandler | |
►Nrun | |
CRobotFramework | |
►Nrunning | |
►Narguments | |
►Nargumentconverter | |
CArgumentConverter | |
►Nargumentmapper | |
CArgumentMapper | |
CDefaultValue | |
CKeywordCallTemplate | |
►Nargumentparser | |
C_ArgumentParser | |
C_ArgumentSpecParser | |
CDynamicArgumentParser | |
CJavaArgumentParser | |
CPythonArgumentParser | |
CUserKeywordArgumentParser | |
►Nargumentresolver | |
CArgumentResolver | |
CDictToKwargs | |
CNamedArgumentResolver | |
CNullNamedArgumentResolver | |
CVariableReplacer | |
►Nargumentspec | |
CArgumentSpec | |
►Nargumentvalidator | |
CArgumentValidator | |
►Nembedded | |
CEmbeddedArgumentParser | |
CEmbeddedArguments | |
►Njavaargumentcoercer | |
C_Coercer | |
CBooleanCoercer | |
CCoercerFinder | |
CFloatCoercer | |
CIntegerCoercer | |
CJavaArgumentCoercer | |
CNullCoercer | |
CVarargsHandler | |
►Ntypeconverters | |
CBooleanConverter | |
CByteArrayConverter | |
CBytesConverter | |
CDateConverter | |
CDateTimeConverter | |
CDecimalConverter | |
CDictionaryConverter | |
CEnum | |
CEnumConverter | |
CFloatConverter | |
CFrozenSetConverter | |
CIntegerConverter | |
CListConverter | |
CNoneConverter | |
CSetConverter | |
CTimeDeltaConverter | |
CTupleConverter | |
CTypeConverter | |
►Ntypevalidator | |
CTypeValidator | |
►Nbuilder | |
CResourceFileBuilder | |
CStepBuilder | |
CTestSuiteBuilder | Creates executable :class:~robot.running.model.TestSuite objects |
►Ncontext | |
C_ExecutionContext | |
CExecutionContexts | |
►Ndefaults | |
CTestDefaults | |
CTestValues | |
►Ndynamicmethods | |
C_DynamicMethod | |
CGetKeywordArguments | |
CGetKeywordDocumentation | |
CGetKeywordNames | |
CGetKeywordTags | |
CGetKeywordTypes | |
CRunKeyword | |
►Nhandlers | |
C_DynamicHandler | |
C_DynamicRunKeywordHandler | |
C_JavaHandler | |
C_JavaInitHandler | |
C_PythonHandler | |
C_PythonInitHandler | |
C_RunKeywordHandler | |
C_RunnableHandler | |
CEmbeddedArgumentsHandler | |
►Nhandlerstore | |
CHandlerStore | |
►Nimporter | |
CImportCache | Keeps track on and optionally caches imported items |
CImporter | |
►Nlibrarykeywordrunner | |
CEmbeddedArgumentsRunner | |
CLibraryKeywordRunner | |
CRunKeywordRunner | |
►Nlibraryscopes | |
CGlobalScope | |
CTestCaseScope | |
CTestSuiteScope | |
►Nmodel | |
CForLoop | Represents a for loop in test data |
CKeyword | Represents a single executable keyword |
CResourceFile | |
CTestCase | Represents a single executable test case |
CTestSuite | Represents a single executable test suite |
CTimeout | |
CUserKeyword | |
CVariable | |
►Nnamespace | |
CKeywordRecommendationFinder | |
CKeywordStore | |
CNamespace | |
►Noutputcapture | |
CJavaCapturer | |
COutputCapturer | |
CPythonCapturer | |
►Nrandomizer | |
CRandomizer | |
►Nrunkwregister | |
C_RunKeywordRegister | |
►Nrunner | |
CModelCombiner | |
CRunner | |
►Nsignalhandler | |
C_StopSignalMonitor | |
►Nstatus | |
C_ExecutionStatus | |
C_Message | |
CExit | |
CFailure | |
CParentMessage | |
CSuiteMessage | |
CSuiteStatus | |
CTestMessage | |
CTestStatus | |
►Nstatusreporter | |
CStatusReporter | |
►Nsteprunner | |
CForInEnumerateRunner | |
CForInRangeRunner | |
CForInRunner | |
CForInZipRunner | |
CInvalidForRunner | Used to send an error from ForRunner() if it sees an unexpected error |
CStepRunner | |
►Ntestlibraries | |
C_BaseTestLibrary | |
C_ClassLibrary | |
C_DynamicLibrary | |
C_HybridLibrary | |
C_ModuleLibrary | |
►Ntimeouts | |
►Nironpython | |
CRunner | |
CTimeout | |
►Njython | |
CRunner | |
CTimeout | |
►Nposix | |
CTimeout | |
►Nwindows | |
CTimeout | |
C_Timeout | |
CKeywordTimeout | |
CTestTimeout | |
►Nusererrorhandler | |
CUserErrorHandler | Created if creating handlers fail – running raises DataError |
►Nuserkeyword | |
CEmbeddedArgumentsHandler | |
CUserKeywordHandler | |
CUserLibrary | |
►Nuserkeywordrunner | |
CEmbeddedArgumentsRunner | |
CUserKeywordRunner | |
►Ntestdoc | |
CJsonConverter | |
CTestDoc | |
CTestdocModelWriter | |
►Ntidy | |
CArgumentValidator | |
CTidy | Programmatic API for the Tidy tool |
CTidyCommandLine | Command line interface for the Tidy tool |
►Nutils | |
►Napplication | |
CApplication | |
CDefaultLogger | |
►Nargumentparser | |
CArgFileParser | |
CArgLimitValidator | |
CArgumentParser | |
Nasserts | |
Ncharwidth | |
Ncompat | |
Ncompress | |
►Nconnectioncache | |
CConnectionCache | Cache for test libs to use with concurrent connections, processes, etc |
CNoConnection | |
►Ndotdict | |
CDotDict | |
Nencoding | |
Nencodingsniffer | |
►Nerror | |
C_ErrorDetails | |
CJavaErrorDetails | |
CPythonErrorDetails | |
►Nescaping | |
CEscapeFinder | |
CUnescaper | |
►Netreewrapper | |
CETSource | |
Nfrange | |
►Nhtmlformatters | |
C_Formatter | |
C_SingleLineFormatter | |
CHeaderFormatter | |
CHtmlFormatter | |
CLineFormatter | |
CLinkFormatter | |
CListFormatter | |
CParagraphFormatter | |
CPreformattedFormatter | |
CRulerFormatter | |
CTableFormatter | |
►Nimporter | |
C_Importer | |
CByPathImporter | |
CDottedImporter | |
CImporter | |
CNonDottedImporter | |
Nmarkuputils | |
►Nmarkupwriters | |
C_MarkupWriter | |
CHtmlWriter | |
CNullMarkupWriter | Null implementation of the _MarkupWriter interface |
CXmlWriter | |
►Nmatch | |
CMatcher | |
CMultiMatcher | |
Nmisc | |
►Nnormalizing | |
CNormalizedDict | Custom dictionary implementation automatically normalizing keys |
Nplatform | |
►Nrecommendations | |
CRecommendationFinder | |
Nrobotenv | |
Nrobotinspect | |
Nrobotio | |
Nrobotpath | |
►Nrobottime | |
C_SecsToTimestrHelper | |
CTimestampCache | |
Nrobottypes | |
Nrobottypes2 | |
Nrobottypes3 | |
►Nsetter | |
Csetter | |
CSetterAwareType | |
►Nsortable | |
CSortable | Base class for sorting based self._sort_key |
Ntext | |
►Nunic | |
CPrettyRepr | |
►Nutf8reader | |
CUtf8Reader | |
►Nvariables | |
►Nassigner | |
C_MultiReturnValueResolver | |
CAssignmentValidator | |
CNoReturnValueResolver | |
COneReturnValueResolver | |
CScalarsAndListReturnValueResolver | |
CScalarsOnlyReturnValueResolver | |
CVariableAssigner | |
CVariableAssignment | |
►Nfilesetter | |
CPythonImporter | |
CVariableFileSetter | |
CYamlImporter | |
►Nfinders | |
CEmptyFinder | |
CEnvironmentFinder | |
CExtendedFinder | |
CNumberFinder | |
CStoredFinder | |
CVariableFinder | |
Nisvar | |
Nnotfound | |
►Nreplacer | |
CVariableReplacer | |
►Nscopes | |
CGlobalVariables | |
CSetVariables | |
CVariableScopes | |
►Nsplitter | |
CVariableIterator | |
CVariableSplitter | |
►Nstore | |
CVariableStore | |
►Ntablesetter | |
CDictVariableTableValue | |
CListVariableTableValue | |
CScalarVariableTableValue | |
CVariableTableReader | |
CVariableTableSetter | |
CVariableTableValueBase | |
►Nvariables | |
CVariables | Represents a set of variables |
Nversion | |
►Nwriter | |
►Naligners | |
C_Aligner | |
CColumnAligner | |
CFirstColumnAligner | |
CNullAligner | |
►Ndataextractor | |
CDataExtractor | Transforms table of a parsed test data file into a list of rows |
►Ndatafilewriter | |
CDataFileWriter | Object to write parsed test data file objects back to disk |
CWritingContext | Contains configuration used in writing a test data file to disk |
►Nfilewriters | |
C_DataFileWriter | |
CHtmlFileWriter | |
CPipeSeparatedTxtWriter | |
CSpaceSeparatedTxtWriter | |
CTsvFileWriter | |
►Nformatters | |
C_DataFileFormatter | |
CPipeFormatter | |
CTsvFormatter | |
CTxtFormatter | |
►Nhtmlformatter | |
CAnchorNameCell | |
CDocumentationCell | |
CHeaderCell | |
CHtmlCell | |
CHtmlFormatter | |
CNameCell | |
Nhtmltemplate | |
►Nrowsplitter | |
CRowSplitter | |
►Nlog | |
►Nlog | |
C_LogWindow | |
CLogPlugin | Viewer for internal log messages |
►Nnamespace | |
►Ncache | |
CExpiringCache | |
CLibraryCache | |
►Nembeddedargs | |
CEmbeddedArgsHandler | |
►Nlocal_namespace | |
CLocalMacroNamespace | |
CLocalRowNamespace | |
►Nnamespace | |
C_Keywords | |
C_RetrieverContextFactory | |
C_VariableStash | |
CDatafileRetriever | |
CNamespace | |
CRetrieverContext | |
►Nresourcefactory | |
CResourceFactory | |
►Nsuggesters | |
C_ImportSuggester | |
C_Suggester | |
CBuiltInLibrariesSuggester | |
CCachedLibrarySuggester | |
CHistorySuggester | |
CLibrariesSuggester | |
CResourceSuggester | |
CSuggestionSource | |
Nvariablefetcher | |
►Nparserlog | |
►Nparserlog | |
C_LogWindow | |
CParserLogPlugin | Viewer for internal log messages |
►Npluginapi | |
►Nplugin | |
CPlugin | Entry point to RIDE plugin API – all plugins must extend this class |
►Ntree_aware_plugin_mixin | |
CTreeAwarePluginMixin | Mixin to help solve if tree aware plugin has focus |
►Npostinstall | |
►N__main__ | |
CMessageDialog | |
►Ndesktopshortcut | |
CShortcutPlugin | Creator of RIDE Desktop Shortcuts |
►Npreferences | |
►Nconfigobj | |
CBuilder | |
CConfigObj | An object to read, create, and write config files |
CConfigObjError | This is the base class for all errors that ConfigObj raises |
CConfigParserInterpolation | Behaves like ConfigParser |
CConfigspecError | Base class for the two interpolation errors |
CDuplicateError | The keyword or section specified already exists |
CInterpolationEngine | |
CInterpolationError | Maximum interpolation depth exceeded in string interpolation |
CInterpolationLoopError | |
CMissingInterpolationOption | |
CNestingError | This error indicates a level of nesting that doesn't match |
CParseError | A 'reload' operation failed |
CReloadError | |
CRepeatSectionError | This error indicates additional sections in a section with a __many__ (repeated) section |
CSection | A dictionary-like object that represents a section in a config file |
CSimpleVal | A simple validator |
CTemplateInterpolation | Behaves like string.Template |
CUnknownType | |
CUnreprError | An error parsing in unrepr mode |
►Neditor | |
CPanelContainer | This contains a preference panel |
CPreferenceEditor | A dialog for showing the preference panels |
►Neditors | |
CEditorPreferences | |
CGridEditorPreferences | |
CTestRunnerPreferences | |
CTextEditorPreferences | |
►Nexcludes_class | |
CExcludes | |
►Ngeneral | |
CDefaultPreferences | |
CGeneralPreferences | |
►Nimports | |
CImportPreferences | |
►Nmanagesettingsdialog | |
CSaveLoadSettings | |
►Nsaving | |
CSavingPreferences | |
►Nsettings | |
C_Section | |
CConfigurationError | |
CRideSettings | |
CSectionError | Used when section is tried to replace with normal value or vice versa |
CSettings | |
CSettingsMigrator | |
CPreferences | |
►Npublish | |
Nhtmlmessages | |
►Nmessages | |
C_RideExcludes | |
CRideBeforeSaving | Sent before files are going to be saved |
CRideClosing | Sent when user selects Quit from File menu or via shortcut |
CRideDataChanged | Base class for all messages notifying that data in model has changed |
CRideDataChangedToDirty | Sent when datafile changes from serialized version |
CRideDataDirtyCleared | Sent when datafiles dirty marking is cleared |
CRideDataFileRemoved | |
CRideDataFileSet | Set when a whole datafile is replaced with new one in a controller |
CRideExcludesChanged | |
CRideExecuteSpecXmlImport | Sent whenever spec xml import is requested |
CRideFileNameChanged | Sent after test suite or resource file is renamed |
CRideImportSetting | Base class for all messages about changes to import settings |
CRideImportSettingAdded | Sent whenever an import setting is added |
CRideImportSettingChanged | Sent whenever a value of import setting is changed |
CRideImportSettingRemoved | Sent whenever a value of import setting is removed |
CRideIncludesChanged | |
CRideInitFileRemoved | |
CRideInputValidationError | Sent whenever user input is invalid |
CRideItem | Base class for all messages about changes to any data item |
CRideItemMovedDown | Sent when an item (test, keyword, variable) is moved down |
CRideItemMovedUp | Sent when an item (test, keyword, variable) is moved up |
CRideItemNameChanged | |
CRideItemSettingsChanged | |
CRideItemStepsChanged | |
CRideLog | This class represents a general purpose log message |
CRideLogException | This class represents a general purpose log message with a traceback appended to message text |
CRideLogMessage | This class represents a general purpose log message |
CRideMessage | Base class for all messages sent by RIDE |
CRideModificationPrevented | Sent whenever modifying command is prevented for some reason |
CRideNewProject | Sent when a new project has been created |
CRideNotebookTabChanged | Sent after the notebook tab change has completed |
CRideNotebookTabChanging | Sent when the notebook tab change has started |
CRideOpenResource | Sent when a new resource has finished loading |
CRideOpenSuite | Sent when a new suite has finished loading |
CRideOpenTagSearch | Sent we when want to open Search Tags) |
CRideOpenVariableDialog | Sent when variable dialog is requested to be open |
CRideParserLogMessage | This class represents a general purpose log message |
CRideSaveAll | Sent when user selects Save All from File menu or via shortcut |
CRideSaved | Sent after the file has been actually saved to disk |
CRideSaving | Sent when user selects Save from File menu or via shortcut |
CRideSelectResource | Sent when a resource should be selected |
CRideSettingsChanged | Sent when settings are changed |
CRideSuiteAdded | |
CRideTestCaseAdded | Sent when a new test case is added to a suite |
CRideTestCaseRemoved | Sent when a test case is removed from a suite |
CRideTestExecutionStarted | Sent whenever new test execution is started |
CRideTestFailed | Sent whenever RIDE has executed a test case, and it failed |
CRideTestPassed | Sent whenever RIDE has executed a test case, and it passed |
CRideTestPaused | Sent whenever RIDE is running a test case and paused |
CRideTestRunning | Sent whenever RIDE is starting to run a test case |
CRideTestSelectedForRunningChanged | Sent whenever a test is selected or unselected from the tree |
CRideTestSkipped | Sent whenever RIDE has executed a test case, and it was skipped |
CRideTestStopped | Sent whenever RIDE was executing a test case, and it was stopped or aborted |
CRideTreeAwarePluginAdded | |
CRideTreeSelection | |
CRideUserKeyword | Base class for all messages about changes to any user keyword |
CRideUserKeywordAdded | Sent when a new user keyword is added to a suite or resource |
CRideUserKeywordRemoved | Sent when a user keyword is removed from a suite or resource |
CRideVariableAdded | Sent when a new variable is added to a suite |
CRideVariableMovedDown | Sent when a variable is moved down item is the item that has been moved down other is the item that was swapped up |
CRideVariableMovedUp | Sent when a variable is moved up item is the item that has been moved up other is the item that was swapped down |
CRideVariableRemoved | Sent when a variable is removed from a suite |
CRideVariableUpdated | Sent when the state of a variable is changed |
►Npublisher | |
C_Publisher | |
CListenerExceptionHandler | |
►Nrecentfiles | |
►Nrecentfiles | |
CRecentFileEntry | |
CRecentFilesPlugin | Add recently opened files to the file menu |
Nrobotapi | |
►Nrun | |
►Nconfigmanagerui | |
C_ConfigListEditor | |
C_TextEditListCtrl | |
CConfigManagerDialog | |
►Nprocess | |
CProcess | |
►Nrunanything | |
CRunAnything | A plugin for executing commands on the system |
CRunConfig | |
CRunConfigs | |
►Nui | |
C_OutputDisplay | |
C_OutputWindow | |
C_RunAgainButton | |
C_StopAndRunAgainButton | |
CRunner | |
►Nsearchtests | |
►Ndialogsearchtests | |
C_TestSearchListModel | |
CTestsDialog | |
►Nsearchtests | |
CSearchResult | |
CTagSearchMatcher | |
CTestSearchMatcher | |
CTestSearchPlugin | A plugin for searching tests based on name, tags and documentation |
►Nspec | |
►Niteminfo | |
C_KeywordInfo | |
C_UserKeywordInfo | |
C_XMLKeywordContent | |
CArgumentInfo | |
CBlockKeywordInfo | Special Info for FOR and END, documentation and since 5.0, IF, ELSE, ELSEIF, WHILE, TRY, EXCEPT, BREAK, CONTINUE |
CItemInfo | Represents an object that can be displayed by content assistant |
CLibraryKeywordInfo | |
CLocalVariableInfo | |
CResourceUserKeywordInfo | |
CTestCaseUserKeywordInfo | |
CVariableInfo | |
►Nlibrarydatabase | |
CLibraryDatabase | |
Nlibraryfetcher | |
►Nlibrarymanager | |
CLibraryManager | |
►Nspecimporter | |
CSpecImporterPlugin | |
►Nxmlreaders | |
CSpecInitializer | |
►Nui | |
►Nactiontriggers | |
C_Menu | |
C_MenuItem | |
C_NameBuilder | |
C_RideSearchMenuItem | |
CActionDelegator | |
CMenuBar | |
CMenuItem | |
CSeparatorMenuItem | |
CShortcutRegistry | |
CToolBarButton | |
►Nexcludes_dialogs | |
CExcludeHelpDialog | |
CExcludePreferences | |
►Nfiledialogs | |
C_CreationDialog | |
C_FileFormatDialog | |
C_WithImmutableParent | |
CAddDirectoryDialog | |
CAddSuiteDialog | |
CChangeFormatDialog | |
CInitFileFormatDialog | |
CNewProjectDialog | |
CNewResourceDialog | |
CRobotFilePathDialog | |
►Nfileexplorerplugin | |
CFileExplorer | |
CFileExplorerPlugin | Provides a tree view for Files and Folders |
►Nimages | |
C_TreeImage | |
CTreeImageList | |
►Nkeywordsearch | |
C_KeywordData | |
C_KeywordList | |
C_SearchCriteria | |
C_SortOrder | |
CKeywordSearch | A plugin for searching keywords based on name or documentation |
CKeywordSearchDialog | |
►Nmainframe | |
CAboutDialog | |
CActionRegisterer | |
CRideFrame | |
CRIDETaskBarIcon | |
CShortcutKeysDialog | |
CToolBar | |
►Nnotebook | |
CNoteBook | |
►Npluginmanager | |
C_PluginEnablationCheckBox | |
C_PluginPanel | |
C_PluginRow | |
CPluginManager | |
►Npreferences_dialogs | |
C_ChoiceEditor | |
CIntegerChoiceEditor | |
CIntegerPreferenceComboBox | A combobox tied to a setting that has integer values |
CPreferencesColorPicker | A colored button that opens a color picker dialog |
CPreferencesComboBox | A combobox tied to a specific setting |
CPreferencesPanel | Base class for all preference panels used by PreferencesDialog |
CPreferencesSpinControl | A spin control tied to a specific setting |
CSpinChoiceEditor | |
CStringChoiceEditor | |
►Npreview | |
CHtmlView | |
CPreviewPanel | |
CPreviewPlugin | Provides preview of the test data in HTML, TSV and TXT formats |
CTxtView | |
►Nprogress | |
CLoadProgressObserver | |
CProgressObserver | |
CRenameProgressObserver | |
►Nresourcedialogs | |
C_FolderUsageDialog | |
C_UsageDialog | |
CFolderDeleteDialog | |
CResourceDeleteDialog | |
CResourceRenameDialog | |
►Nreview | |
CMyCollapsiblePane | |
CResultFilter | |
CResultListCtrl | |
CResultModel | |
CReviewDialog | |
CReviewRunner | |
►Nsearchdots | |
CDottedSearch | Class that can be used to make Search dots.. |
►Ntagdialogs | |
CTagsListCtrl | |
CViewAllTagsDialog | |
►Ntreenodehandlers | |
C_ActionHandler | |
C_CanBeRenamed | |
C_FileHandlerThanCanBeRenamed | |
C_TestOrUserKeywordHandler | |
CDirectoryHandler | |
CExcludedDirectoryHandler | |
CResourceFileHandler | |
CResourceRootHandler | |
CTestCaseFileHandler | |
CTestCaseHandler | |
CTestDataDirectoryHandler | |
CTestDataHandler | |
CUserKeywordHandler | |
CVariableHandler | |
►Ntreeplugin | |
CTree | |
CTreeLabelEditListener | |
CTreePlugin | Provides a tree view for Test Suites |
►Nusages | |
►Ncommands | |
CFindResourceUsages | |
CFindTestFolderUsages | |
CFindUsages | |
CFindVariableUsages | |
CResourceUsage | |
►NUsageRunner | |
CResourceFileUsages | |
CUsages | |
CVariableUsages | |
►Nusagesdialog | |
C_UsagesListModel | |
CRecursiveResourceImportListModel | |
CResourceImportListModel | |
CUsagesDialog | |
CUsagesDialogWithUserKwNavigation | |
CUsagesListModel | |
►Nutils | |
►Neventhandler | |
C_RideFSWatcherHandler | |
Nhighlightmatcher | |
Nnoconflict | |
►Nprinting | |
CPrinting | |
Nvariablematcher | |
Nversioncomparator | |
►Nvalidators | |
C_AbstractValidator | Implements methods to keep wxPython happy and some helper methods |
C_NameValidator | |
CArgumentsValidator | |
CArgumentTypes | |
CDictionaryVariableNameValidator | |
CDirectoryExistsValidator | |
CListVariableNameValidator | |
CNewSuitePathValidator | |
CNonEmptyValidator | |
CScalarVariableNameValidator | |
CSuiteFileNameValidator | |
CTestCaseNameValidator | |
CTimeoutValidator | |
CUserKeywordNameValidator | |
Nversion | |
►Nwidgets | |
►Nbutton | |
CButtonWithHandler | |
►Ndialog | |
CHtmlDialog | |
CHtmlWindow | |
CRIDEDialog | |
►Nfont | |
CFont | |
►Nhtmlwnd | |
CHtmlWindow | |
►Nimages | |
CImageList | |
CImageProvider | |
►Nlabel | |
CHeaderLabel | |
CHelpLabel | |
CLabel | |
►Nlist | |
CListModel | |
CVirtualList | |
►Npopupmenu | |
CPopupCreator | |
CPopupMenu | |
CPopupMenuItem | |
CPopupMenuItems | |
►Nsizers | |
C_BoxSizer | |
CHorizontalSizer | |
CVerticalSizer | |
►Ntext | |
CTextField | |
Nsetup | |