Welcome to TransformIdea site dedicated to Robot Framework

Doxygen documentation

Library Description
(08-feb-2023 v6.0.2) Robot Framework The library itself
(08-feb-2023 v4.0.0) SeleniumLibrary Webdriver Selenium
(08-feb-2023 v3.8.1rc2) SSH Library SSH operations
(08-feb-2023 v2.0rc1) RIDE The IDE

About NEW RIDE project

(Updated on 20-nov-2024 with configobj.zip)
If you need, we have Fedora 26, 28, 32, 33, 36 and CentOS 7 wxPython wheels!
now, we have Fedora 38 wxPython 4.2.1 for Python 3.11 wheel, here.
And now (23-Jan-2024) wxPython 4.2.2a1 for Python 3.12, here.
Latest (01-oct-2024) is wxPython 4.2.3a1 for Fedora 40 and Python 3.12, here.
Get them at the Packages area

Experimental release of RIDE: robotframework_ride-2.1.1-py3-none-any.whl
Install with:

pip install -U https://robotframework.transformidea.com/RIDE/packages/robotframework_ride-2.1.1-py3-none-any.whl

Problem after upgrading to Development version (since 2.1.1), there is a missing package that you must extract. Get the archive configobj.zip
Extract to robotide/preferences/
You should have something like:

(python path)/site-packages/robotide/preferences/configobj

Assorted test files

File Description
Example.robot Some variables and FOR LOOP example.
dragndrop.robot Example showing problems with the Drag And Drop keyword.
The first test using jQuery passes OK, the other tests are false positives.
ParkCalc_test.zip Examples of Keyword, Data and Behaviour Driven Testing. These tests were adapted from http://www.shino.de/2010/07/06/parkcalc-automation-templates-for-data-driven-tests/
Highlight_Example.zip Example of an user defined keyword in Python, to highlight elements (in the example all the links with the word `Procurar`). This keyword was adapted from https://github.com/datakurre/robotframework-selenium2screenshots/
emoji.zip Showing that it is possible to use Emojis and Tags with unicode characters with RobotFramework and SeleniumLibrary. The problem is the rendering on certain IDEs/Editors, in particular on RIDE.
Upload_File.zip Example for SeleniumLibrary keyword Choose File. Not the best example because requires to click on a button. We may see the error Internal Server Error when using the multifile drop-down area.
Get_Webdriver.robot Task suite to obtain new Chromedriver and Geckodriver, using RESTInstance, prepared for Linux systems but you can adjust for other systems.

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