Library | Description |
(08-feb-2023 v6.0.2) Robot Framework | The library itself |
(08-feb-2023 v4.0.0) SeleniumLibrary | Webdriver Selenium |
(08-feb-2023 v3.8.1rc2) SSH Library | SSH operations |
(08-feb-2023 v2.0rc1) RIDE | The IDE |
(Updated on 20-nov-2024 with
If you need, we have Fedora 26, 28, 32, 33, 36 and CentOS 7 wxPython wheels!
now, we have Fedora 38 wxPython 4.2.1 for Python 3.11 wheel, here.
And now (23-Jan-2024) wxPython 4.2.2a1 for Python 3.12, here.
Latest (01-oct-2024) is wxPython 4.2.3a1 for Fedora 40 and Python 3.12, here.
Get them at the Packages area
Experimental release of RIDE: robotframework_ride-2.1.1-py3-none-any.whl
Install with:
pip install -U
Problem after upgrading to Development version (since 2.1.1), there is a missing package that you must extract. Get the archive
Extract to
You should have something like: (python path)/site-packages/robotide/preferences/configobj
File | Description |
Example.robot | Some variables and FOR LOOP example. |
dragndrop.robot | Example showing problems with the Drag And Drop keyword. The first test using jQuery passes OK, the other tests are false positives. | | Examples of Keyword, Data and Behaviour Driven Testing. These tests were adapted from | | Example of an user defined keyword in Python, to highlight elements (in the example all the links with the word `Procurar`). This keyword was adapted from | | Showing that it is possible to use Emojis and Tags with unicode characters with RobotFramework and SeleniumLibrary. The problem is the rendering on certain IDEs/Editors, in particular on RIDE. | | Example for SeleniumLibrary keyword Choose File. Not the best example because requires to click on a button. We may see the error Internal Server Error when using the multifile drop-down area. |
Get_Webdriver.robot | Task suite to obtain new Chromedriver and Geckodriver, using RESTInstance, prepared for Linux systems but you can adjust for other systems. |